Paranormal TV

Well it's official. CW's Supernatural will be back for a third season. I watched part one of the season finale last week and unless there is some miracle taking place on tonights, I'm not sure how they'll explain Sam dying on the next season. Maybe another deal will be made with the demon. Who knows.

Medium will also be back for a fourth season.

Ghost Hunters return on June 6th with six new episodes. Their next investigation will be of some kind of Irish Ruins (couldn't find out anymore than that). It will also be back for a fourth season.

It seems we won't be going through paranormal TV withdrawals anytime soon.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. There is the Verizon Wireless Supernatural 6 on Route 66 Road Trip TXT2WIN contest in progress right now. The winner and five of their friends will visit the nations spookiest and oddest landmarks along Route 66 along with a fully loaded V CAST phone. You can also win 1 out of 50 Supernatural box sets.

You can visit the website for all the details and to enter (you can txt "WIN" to 3339 to enter as well). Contest ends on May 31st.


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