Blog Announcement

Pluck's BlogBurst network is an opt-in aggregation and syndication service that brings high-quality, topical blogs together with high-traffic web sites. With BlogBurst, bloggers gain visibility, audience reach and traffic through placement on major online publishers and media destinations such as FoxNews, Reuters and USA Today in real time.

This is an invitation only website and if you aren't invited, you can apply for an invitation. I originally applied months ago and was denied. Then, a few weeks ago, I received an invitation and my blog was activated on the site last week.

This is an excellent opportunity. I get visibility and exposure on major news and portal sites which leads to new readers. As an added bonus, there are monetary rewards ranging from $50 - $1,500 for top bloggers each year.

Of course, I didn't start blogging for the readers or money, but as a writer, the exposure is a plus.


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