Wander the Web Wednesday

First of all, I don't like doing the double or triple post a day thing, but I have a whole list of topics to get to and not enough time or days in the week to do it. Plus, I like doing the Wander the Web Wednesday meme. So, Wednesdays will be the two-for-the-price-of-one day. Enjoy this and I'll have another entry up later today. Oh and don't forget the new season of Ghost Hunters premieres tonight.

The idea is to highlight 5 links that you feel would be new to other readers.

They can be daily reads, or personal favorites.

They may even just be something fun or freaky or just plain fascinating that you stumbled into recently.

If you want to “play along” make a list on your site and link to it in 2 Witches Blog comments. They'd also appreciate a link back.

1. WasArrested.com - Just a fun site where you can write a fake news story.
2. Paranormal Awareness Society Network - haven't had time to fully explore this site yet, but you might want to.
4. Bigfoot Quest - I think the name pretty much says what the blog is mostly about.
5. Paranormala - Has a little of everything, paranormal and then some.


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