Poogan's Porch Restaurant

Where does one come up with a name like Poogan's Porch for a restaurant? This one went above and beyond to show their appreciation of beloved canine friend. That's right. Poogan's Porch Restaurant was named after a neighborhood dog called Poogan who acted as their guardian in 1976. Poogan died in 1979 from natural causes but his memory will live on through this eatery. However, a touching dog tale is not why you read this blog.

Poogan's Porch is a hot spot for celebrities such as Jody Foster, Jim Carrey, James Brolin and the late Paul Newman. It was also used as a filming location for the 1989 Hugh Grant move "Champagne Charlie". As for the paranormal world, the restaurant was named "Third Haunted Place in America" by the Travel Channel in 2003. Zoe St. Amand, a former resident of the Charleston House, is often seen throughout the building. Pots and pans crash in the kitchen. The police have been notified but they always turn up nothing upon investigating. Guests of the Mills House Hotel next door to the restaurant have reported seeing a woman in a black dress waving to them from a second floor window.

Stop by Poogan's Porch Restaurant. You may go home with a ghostly tale.


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