Ghost Stories Carnival

Halloween Text Generator -

Welcome to the May 2009 edition of Ghost Stories Carnival.

The purpose of this carnival is to gather articles about the paranormal from around the blog-o-sphere. If you would like to submit an article for the next Ghost Stories Carnival, please read the guidelines.

So, without further ado, sit back and start clicking away.



NAOMI presents SPOOKY CASTLE GHOST CAUSES STIR posted at Diary From England.

floslib presents The Paranormal, Belief, and Skepticism posted at Spirited Script.

Ghost Stories presents The Seven Sisters Inn posted at Ghost Stories.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents 10 Facts About Buying and Selling A House of Horrors posted at The Digerati Life


Vanessa Wolf presents Save me from myself posted at Wide Awake in Wonderland, saying, "This is largely humorous (as is my blog), but it does cover my (former) very real fear of aliens + some related stuff. No hard feelings if it's not appropriate!

Thanks! Vanessa"

Romeo Vitelli presents Hunting The Wendigo (Part 1) posted at Providentia, saying, "A two-part essay on Wendigo folklore and the actual cases that it inspired."


This concludes the May 2009 edition of the Ghost Stories Carnival. THANK YOU for submitting your links! If you would like to see your work showcased in the June 2009 edition, please submit your links here.

If you submitted your link and don’t see it here, that probably means I received it after the deadline.

Thanks for visiting the carnival participants and don’t forget to check back June 2nd for the next Ghost Stories Carnival. Happy Cinco De Mayo!


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