
Showing posts from September, 2007

Northern State Hospital

A clip of the analysis and reveal from the Northern State Hospital investigation on Ghost Hunters.

Finding Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster from Your Home

More and more haunted locations are putting up web cams so people can ghost hunt from the comforts of their own home. Now, with a program called Mechanical Turk, you can use satellite technology to find mysterious creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. The program was used to help find adventurer Steve Fossett after he went missing on Sept. 3rd. Participants used a single satellite image to note any object or wreckage that could be a plane or debris. Even though Fossett is still missing, the search did uncover several unknown small plane wrecks dating all the way back to the 1950s. Maybe they should try searching the Bermuda Triangle. No telling what they will find there. While this technology can be used in such life and death situations as this, a theory states it could be used for other types of searches as well. It's believed that if such creatures as the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot really do exist they could easily be located and captured. While it won't be...

Ghost Hunters Tonight

First, allow me to say Iā€™m pleased to see that Dave Tango was bumped up to investigator. I was beginning to wonder if his training stage was ever going to be over. Now, thereā€™s a new trainee taking his place, Kris Williams. It looked like she did alright for her first two times out. You have to start somewhere, right? Usually, TAPS goes in to disprove a haunting and that is exactly what was asked from them at Northern State Hospital in Sedro-Woolley, Washington. Unfortunately, after the investigation and all evidence analyzed, they had no choice but to deliver proof. They captured an EVP of a woman singing or humming in the attic, which Jason and Grant were both witnesses to and sort of backed-up eyewitness statements of a nurse being seen in there. Also, they had a video clip of a figure about 6ft tall or so walking slightly in front of a window I think and then back into the darkness. The figure was see-through so there wasnā€™t explanation for it. If someone kindly posts the clip of t...

Wander the Web Wednesday

First of all, I don't like doing the double or triple post a day thing, but I have a whole list of topics to get to and not enough time or days in the week to do it. Plus, I like doing the Wander the Web Wednesday meme. So, Wednesdays will be the two-for-the-price-of-one day. Enjoy this and I'll have another entry up later today. Oh and don't forget the new season of Ghost Hunters premieres tonight. The idea is to highlight 5 links that you feel would be new to other readers. They can be daily reads, or personal favorites. They may even just be something fun or freaky or just plain fascinating that you stumbled into recently. If you want to ā€œplay alongā€ make a list on your site and link to it in 2 Witches Blog comments. They'd also appreciate a link back. 1. - Just a fun site where you can write a fake news story. 2. Paranormal Awareness Society Network - haven't had time to fully explore this site yet, but you might w...

GS Question of the Week

Before I get to this week's question, I have a little announcement. October 1st through 7th is Buy a Friend a Book Week. I was inspired by the idea of generosity and instead of buying someone a book, I decided to give two books from my own personal library away to two lucky readers here. One is a novelization of episode two, The Harvest, of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. The second is Star By. V.C. Andrews. All you have to do to enter this little contest is leave a comment (with your email address) on any post this week stating you want to be entered into the drawing. That's it. I'll put your names in a hat and draw two out. The first name drawn will get to choose which book they want. Winners will be announced next Monday. Good Luck! Now this week's question: Do you think we live more than one life?

Mammoth Cave

Something about caves attracts people near and far, not just the spelunkers. Many are considered haunted and Mammoth Cave isn't any different. With 330 miles of passageways on five levels, the ghosts have plenty of room to roam around and with over 150 reported sightings, they may need it. Of course, that doesn't mean 150 ghosts have taken up resident in the caves, but there are at least three. One popular spirit is that of a slave who gave up freedom to stay with the cave he loved so dear even after death. Stephen Bishop was born in 1820. Eighteen years later, he began exploring the cave. That spring, his master, Franklin Gorin bought Mammoth and Stephen began giving regular tours. Back in those days, slaves were often recruited as guides, but Stephen was the one to go to, the best of the best. When he wasn't guiding tours, he was exploring new areas of the cave and thus began the naming tradition which continues til this day. Stephen died in 1857 and buried in the Old ...

TV News

The first day of Autumn may be on Sunday, but some of your favorite shows, new and old, are already premiering new episodes. So, what's on the Fall schedule for paranormal enthusiasts? Ghost Hunters is returning on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 with the first episode of the new season. They made us wait for the last six episodes of the last season, but we won't have to this time. Remember there will be another live show on Halloween which will wrap-up Sci-Fi's 13 Days of Halloween marathon. This year they are investigating Waverly Hills for a second time. Not sure who or if there will be a celebrity tagging along with them. Last year, Destination Truth premiered with Josh Gates traveling all over the world investigating alleged sightings of mythical creatures. Well, a second season doesn't look real promising. Surprise. Surprise. The word around the Sci-Fi Channel forums is that its being replaced by another show called UFO Hunters, basically the same concept as Ghost H...

Did Ya Know Friday

It's uncertain where the Ouija Board first originated, but if you think Parker Brothers came up with this idea, you would be wrong. According to some, something resembling a Ouija Board was in 1200 B.C. China, a divination known as Fu Ji. Others claim Pythagoras, in 540 B.C., would conduct seances at "a mystic table, moving on wheels, moved towards signs" in which he and his pupil, Philolaus would interpret to the audience as revelations from the spirit world. Both historic claims have come under debates as being inaccurate. However, talking boards weren't actually used until the Spiritualism movement in the 19th Century. The Fox sisters developed a system of knocks for each letter of the alphabet to supposedly communicate with spirits. Many wanted to mimic their methods and speak to ghosts too. There were many forms of divinations to spell out messages at that time, including swinging a pendulum over a plate that had letters around the edge or using an entire table t...

Wander the Web Wednesday

The idea is to highlight 5 links that you feel would be new to other readers. They can be daily reads, or personal favorites. They may even just be something fun or freaky or just plain fascinating that you stumbled into recently. If you want to ā€œplay alongā€ make a list on your site and link to it in 2 Witches Blog comments. They'd also appreciate a link back. 1. The Debris Field - A daily list of links about the paranormal from blogs, news websites, etc. 2. LibraryThing Unsuggester - It analyzes the eighteen million books LibraryThing members have recorded as owned or read, and comes back with books least likely to share a library with the book you suggest. 3. Ghost Channel TV - Came across this the other day. Tell me what you think. 4. G.H.O.S.T. Hunters game - I was bored one day and found this game. The premise is your a member of the G.H.O.S.T. Hunters and are called in to investigate a possible haunting or cruel hoax at Majesty Manor. I've tried to play the free tria...

It's My Birthday Today!

In honor of my 24th birthday, there will be no question this week. Have a great Monday!


Clip from the paranormal tv show Sightings hosted by Tim White. They discuss the history and possible haunting of the Full Circle Cafe in Georgetown, Colorado. Even the late psychic Peter James (may he rest in peace) makes an appearance. Enjoy!

Did Ya Know Friday

Did ya know that no accused witches were burned at the stake during the Witch Trials in Salem? They were either hanged or died in prison except for one who was pressed to death. However, "witches" on the other side of the world weren't so lucky. From the mid-15th century to the late 19th century, those accused of witchcraft died by fire, as that was the ultimate element of purification. Many were even burned alive. Despite several British witches and occultist trying to up the number, the number of people who died during this period was between 200,000 to 500,000. I would like to say that we have moved on and put these practices behind us, but in some parts of the country, burning those who are accused of using black magic is still an option. In May, An elderly Indian couple were burnt to death after villagers accused them of practicing black magic. Last year, a barber in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh killed his four-year-old son by slitting his throat with a razor ...

Tuen Mun Road

Picture this: you ignore the high gas prices and go for a relaxing drive. Instead of taking the same streets you've driven on many occasions, you venture down a new stretch of road. Your guard is down as you admire the beautiful scenery. Then, your eyes drift back to the road, spotting someone standing motionless within a few feet from your vehicle. Reacting quickly, you swerve to miss them, crashing into the ditch. Dazed, you exit your car to check on the other person. They are no where to be seen. Where did they go? Why were they standing in the middle of the road and refused to move? Could it been a ghost? Those living in Hong Kong who has survived a scenario such as this would say yes. In 1977, a major expressway called Tuen Mun Road was built to connect Tuen Mun with Tsuen Wang. Due to narrow carriageways and substandard geometry, the road has become more of a hazard than anything. With the numerous traffic accidents and casualties it's not surprising Tuen Mun Road is be...

Wander the Web Wednesday

The idea is to highlight 5 links that you feel would be new to other readers. They can be daily reads, or personal favorites. They may even just be something fun or freaky or just plain facinating that you stumbled into recently. If you want to ā€œplay alongā€ make a list on your site and link to it in 2 Witches Blog comments. They'd also appreciate a link back. 1. American Association Electronic Voice Phenomena 2. God Checker 3. Blog from the Darkside 4. Horror Find 5. Hellnotes

GS Question of the Week

Do you think there is a such thing as demon dogs?

Sloss Furnace

Video clip of Sloss Furnace on Scariest Places on Earth. Click here to learn more about Sloss.

Wander the Web Wednesday

I know it's a day late, but I wasn't up to posting yesterday. These are the rules: The idea is to highlight 5 links that you feel would be new to other readers. They can be daily reads, or personal favorites. They may even just be something fun or freaky or just plain facinating that you stumbled into recently. If you want to ā€œplay alongā€ make a list on your site and link to it in 2 Witches Blog comments. They'd also appreciate a link back. 1. The Gender Genie - A fun site that analyzes a writing sample or a blog post to determine whether the author is male or female. The results can be surprising. 2. Prairie Ghosts - A site ran by Troy Taylor, author and founder of the American Ghost Society. It contains tons of information on the paranormal. 3. - Searchable database of sites related to the paranormal. 4. Books for Soldiers - It's always good to help out the soldiers overseas. Apparently, books are on their lists of requests. 5. - just...

GS Question of the Week

Do you think certain colors have the ability to keep evil spirits away?

Has a Chupacabra been Found?

For years, the mythical creature has eluded scientists, leaving little to no trace of its existence. A woman in Cuero, Texas named Phylis Canion claims she discovered one outside of her ranch. Actually, her and some of her neighbors found three 40 pound bodies in July, keeping it hidden until now. The animal is described as having big ears, large fanged teeth and grayish-blue, mostly hairless skin. Could this strange animal be a chupacabra? Canion thinks so. She based her opinion on her twenty-six dead chickens who was drained of blood. Her animals weren't the only ones to fall prey to this alleged mythical creature. Veterinarian Travis Schaar of the Main Street Animal Hospital in nearby Victoria believes what she calls a chupacabra is probably a strange breed of dog, a canine with a thirst for blood. He doesn't deny the possibility of it being a chupacabra, but states that it could just be a mutated litter of dogs. Canion saved the head of the dead animal and plans on ge...

Elvis Presley Myths

There are many myths surrounding the memory of Elvis Presley. But which ones are true? Here you will find the answers to the questions about the late King of Rock-n-Roll. Myth 1: Was Elvis a DEA Agent? - This particular myth coincides with another. It was no secret Elvis was interested in being a DEA agent. The desire to join was so great that he wrote a long letter to President Richard Nixon, who by the way didn't even know who Elvis was, listing his credentials in order to initiated into the club. Some believe he was made an official DEA agent which led to his sudden "disappearance" in 1977. However, the truth is, he was given an honorary badge. It couldn't be used for official DEA business, but he was still in a way part of the Drug Enforcement Association. Myth 2: Did Elvis have a twin? - The answer is yes. However, his twin brother Jesse Garon was born stillborn. Elvis always missed his brother and always felt the that missing piece of him. I'm sure that...