
Showing posts from March, 2009

Reader Submission - Quija Part III

A few months ago I googled the word ZOZO. To my shock, many other people have also been contacted by a demon by the SAME NAME! I read about 20 similar stories and I am now convinced that this simply CANNOT be mere coincidence. Supposedly ZOZO is an ancient demon name which possibly stands for " The Destroyer ." Claims of demonic possession are associated with this ZOZO, and I feel it my duty to warn people to steer clear from this if it happens to present itself during a Ouija board session. I am currently researching this phenomena for a future book, and am in the initial stages of presenting my findings to a reputable demonologist who has been involved in hundreds of cases of paranormal activities across the world including "A Haunting in Connecticut." What is this ZOZO? Supposedly the 3 headed dog demon which guards the gates of hell has a tattoo on it's forehead that spells ZOSO. Also, ZOZO is a term Aleister Crowley claimed meant "666." Jimm...

GS Question of the Week

What is the Devil's Bible known as?

Ghost Picture - Tantallon Castle

In May 2008, Christopher Aitchison toured Tantallon Castle in Scotland and took several photographs of the castle. One has recently gained some attention. He captured a figure staring down from the Scottish ruins wearing what appears to be greenish ruffs. But is it a ghost? Tantallon Castle was built in the 1350s by the Earls of Fife. It later passed to William, the 1st Earl of Douglas. For 300 years, the Douglas earls of Angus was one of the most powerful families in Scotland. In 1639, Tantallon was seized by the convenanters. Almost twenty years later, it was attacked by General Monck on behalf of Cromwell, and surrendered after 12 days of bombardment by Monck's cannons. It was left to ruin after this, and eventually sold to the Dalrymples in 1699. Dalrymples descendant left the castle to the UK Government's Office of Works in 1924 and is now in the care of Historic Scotland. Tantallon Castle has a bloody past. That doesn't mean it's haunted. The photo in quest...

Reader Submission - Quija Part II

When guests would spend the night in our house they would claim that they heard frightening voices coming from inside the walls. Objects would be thrown across the room, and spiders seem to come from nowhere. My girlfriends brother whom lived with us complained that he couldn't sleep at night because the "conversations" were so loud that he simply could not rest. He believed in ghosts, and though he wasn't afraid of them, he said that it definitely felt demonic. Lights would come off and on by themselves, doors would open and unlock themselves. One night in our bedroom a viscous laughter emanated from thin air, and to this day I cannot explain the terror in that laughter. One night I was awakened by what felt like hands on my throat choking me. I could not breathe, I could not scream. After about 30 seconds it released it's grip and I gasped for air. The same thing happened to my girlfriend the next night. Another night me and her brother were standing just outs...

Reader Submission - Quija Part I

The following was sent in by Darren concerning his Quija experiences. It's too long for one post. Therefore, it had to be broken up in to several. Thank you, Darren, for sharing your story. My name is Darren and I am from Tulsa Oklahoma. I am currently 40 years old, and have held a fascination with the occult since an early age. I have had many bizarre experiences with Ouija boards and I am writing this as a warning to people that bad things can happen because of these "portals." Parker brothers doesn't care if a demon possesses you, or if you come under some type of attack from something you know nothing about. The majority of people from The United States holds a skeptical view regarding the scientific evidence of spirits or ghosts, and many people who believe in these things also believe that it is for this very reason that ghosts and poltergeists occur here and exist "under the radar" so to speak. These Ouija boards are manufactured under the precept...

Lights Out

I'm a country girl from small-town America. The thought of gangs didn't have the same effect on us as The Phantom Killer did in the 1940s. This is not to say that every small town is safe in that regards. One urban legend that has floated around for quite some time is that of the "Gang Lights Initiation". Like many urban legends, there are many variations to the story. The one highlighted in the movie Urban Legends consisted of the girls driving along with their headlights off. Then a car passing by was being courteous by flashing his own headlights to signal them. While he continued to drive on, the girls did a U-turn and raced after him, flashing their lights until the guy had a wreck and died. Other versions consist of the initiative to kill their "targets" by shooting them. It's unclear what the origins of this urban legend is. Some believe it derives from a Hell's Angels initiation in Montana. Or possible a gang initiation in Memphis Tennessee. ...

A Haunting in Connecticut

I'm sure the majority of you has seen the trailer for the new horror flick A Haunting in Connecticut. This movie is based on the experiences of the Snedeker family who lived in a former funeral parlor in 1980s. Their story was also featured on an episode of "A Haunting" on the Discovery channel. The current residents and their surrounding neighbors are being plagued by the film's fans who are taking time out of their busy schedules to view the famous house. When the Snedeker family resided in the home, their son claimed to have heard noises in his basement bedroom which use to display caskets next to the embalming room. He also claimed to have seen shadows on the walls which belonged to no physical person. Their niece, while visiting, stated she felt hands on her body as she slept and the covers levitated off of her. While Carmen Snedeker was mopping one day, the water turned blood red with a fowl odor to boot. Crucifixes throughout the house disappeared. Many bel...

GS Question of the Week

Do you think real alleged "haunted" homes, particularly those that are currently inhabited, should be used as inspiration for horror films? Why or why not?

Edith Wharton Mansion

Edith Wharton was an American writer of novels and short stories including Crucial Instances, The House of Mirth and The Greater Inclination. The Age of Innocence won a Pulitzer Prize in 1921, the first female to win such an award. In 1902, she designed and built The Mount in Lenox, Massachusetts. Her and her husband Teddy used the mansion as a writing retreat. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last as she pursued a love affair in France and Teddy became mentally unstable. The Mount was also the hub for Shakespeare and Company, a theater troupe. It's now a museum dedicated to Edith Wharton. This location was chosen by TAPS for an investigation which will air on Wednesday. Several spirits are believed to reside here. Edith herself has been seen reading. Her husband Teddy and a servant girl who may have lived in one of the rooms on the top floor are also active in the house. There are also reports of a well dressed man checking his pocket watch. This man is believed to...

Save Seven Sisters Inn

There seems to be a common theme this week. I was asked about the status of Snowball Mansion Bed and Breakfast. It seems this place may be closed down. Whether it be permanent or temporary, I don't know. I logged in on Myspace the other day to learn that the Seven Sisters Inn is in danger of foreclosure. That's right foreclosure. As in going to auction on April 7th unless someone buys it before then. The current owners Ken Oden and Bonnie Morehardt have been trying to sale the inn for years. They had a buyer but the deal fell through. No matter what happens I hope the Seven Sisters Inn is put in good hands. For more on this matter:

Mystery Mile

Kelly Road connects Industry and Ohioville, Pennsylvania. It may look like an average road but many know it by its more sinister name, Mystery Mile. It is said that animals go from docile to aggressive to the point of chasing people on this two-mile stretch. Others claim to hear unexplained noises, tempers are raise and some see white apparitions. But what could be responsible for these disturbances? The exact explanation is unknown. Some believe it's tied to cult activity. However, the popular theory is the supernatural occurrences is possibly linked to a curse placed on Mystery Mile by Native Americans, angry from the "White Man" taking their homes. Whatever the cause, after reaching the one-mile marker, the disturbances cease. Mystery Mile provided inspiration for the film The Way of the Seeming . Check out their website for more information on this legend.

GS Question of the Week

What do you think about hoax contests?

Borneo Monster Pics Fake

It's official. Recent photos of the mythical giant snake Napau a.k.a. Borneo Monster are indeed fake. Online investigators managed to find the real photo minus the snake. Nathan Crawford, a Kansas librarian, used a reverse search engine. Turns out the photo is of the Congo River in Africa and not the Baleh River in Borneo. The second photo of the Borneo monster is also a fake though I doubt there's anyone who would dispute that. The picture was created and entered in to a 2002 hoax contest (a reason why there really shouldn't be such contests). AOL included a poll with their Borneo Monster story. Fifty-five percent believed the images showed a 100-foot long snake (see what I mean about the contest thing). Don't believe me? Check out what the others are saying: Scientific American , NunoXEI , BoingBoing

When Zombies Attack

Repost from SOUTHern WRITEmares Today we should be wielding rabbit's feet and four leaf clovers. But furry limbs and plants aren't going to save us this time. Today is International Zombie Awareness Day 2009. That's right. On this day, zombies all over the world are organizing and we are on the menu. What are poor, helpless humans suppose to do? You could always hunt down a copy of Max Brooks book The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead . However, you would most likely die before finding one. There's always the wiki route. Although it is a wiki which aren't known to be the most reliable. That's the difference between life or death. If all else fails, watch a 1950s educational video clip. They know what they are talking about. GOD HELP US ALL!

Wayside Inn

Longfellow's Wayside Inn was built in 1716 and is considered the oldest in the country. The Inn was an expansion of David Howe's home known as Howe's Tavern. Four generation of Howes operated and expanded as business thrived until 1861. Relatives who inherited the establish stopped overnight accommodations but rented it out for dances and lengthy visits. Henry Longfellow never owned Wayside Inn but it was renamed after him in 1892. Longfellow wrote a series of poems based on fictional characters who gathered regularly at the Inn. Published in 1863, The Tales of Wayside Inn launched it to national fame. Edward Rivers Lemon purchased the Inn in 1892, renamed it and operated it as ā€œa retreat for literary pilgrims.ā€ In 1923, Henry Ford, the last private owner, purchased and expanded it to 3,000 acres. He added several buildings including The Martha-Mary Chapel, Grist Mill, and Redstone School. Longfellow's Wayside Inn has had it share of famous visitors but is it haunte...

GS Question of the Week

This is Ghost Stories 100th Question of the Week! Yay! I think I've found the perfect one to ask on such an occasion. I was reading a post over on Sue's blog about a common argument among the paranormal community. It has to do with ghosts and clothing. I've never really thought about it, personally, but it brings up a good point. When a person describes an apparition, clothes are usually apart of that description, but why? Why are ghosts always seen clothed and not naked? Why are ghosts clothed?

Reminder Sunday

They are back! Ghost Hunters International wrapped up their season this week with an eventful investigation at Karosta Prison in Latvia. Now, the originals are coming back in to TV action this Wednesday, March 11. Their first investigation for season 5 takes place in.....the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia, PA. The Betsy Ross house was built in 1740. Betsy and her husband John never actually owned the house. They rented it to also be the site of their upholstery business between 1773-1786. During this time, she supposedly sewed the first American flag (this is a rumor not a fact. Learn more here ) even though she did sell flags as a part of her business. In 1786, Betsy moved in with married daughter. Up until 1898, the property switched hands and was the site for several businesses. Then, the Betsy Ross Memorial Association acquired it. After she died, Betsy was buried in the Free Quaker Burial Ground, but her remains were relocated to the courtyard of the Betsy Ross House. Many eye w...

White Dogs of Marley Woods

From the title, I'm sure you're scratching your head asking yourself "What could be so strange about a couple of white dogs". They haven't been classified as dogs per se. Eye witness accounts describes these creatures as "large, white, and dog-like". In 2008, a man spotted this creatures about 800 feet away. At that distance, some may question his ability to describe them accurately. How did he know they looked like dogs? Or, that they appeared to be in the 200 lb category? According to the eye witness, they were large enough for him to fear the safety of his cattle. He grabbed his rifle and wounded one of the "white dogs". The dog turned red but didn't react like a wounded animal and no blood was found in that area. A couple of days later, his daughter saw the dogs on her property but said there was no blood or evidence it had ever been shot. From September to December, several other people have seen the "white dogs". The onl...

McPike Mansion

The McPike Mansion Mist Built in 1869, architect Lucas Pfeiffenberger crafted a home with sixteen rooms, a vaulted wine cellar, eleven marble fireplaces and beautifully carved banisters in Alton, Illinois. McPike Mansion was home to Henry Guest McPike and his family. A famed horticulturist, he perfect the McPike Grape and became well known across the country. It is believed the McPike family lived in the mansion up until 1936. Although there may be some discrepancies with the dates. Records state Paul a. Laichinger owned and lived in the house between 1908-1930. Either way, it has been unoccupied since 1950s. The current owners Sharyn and George Luedke bought it at an auction in 1994. They are in the process of restoring it to its former beauty. There have been many stories told about McPike Mansion. Though some believe a whole army of spirits haunt the place only two have supposedly been identified. One is a female servant of the McPikes which Sharyn has dubbed "Sarah...

GS Question of the Week

What does bĆŖte noire mean?

Superior Scribbler Award

Leah from Daily Piglet has bestowed upon me the Superior Scribbler Award! For some reason, she thinks I'm one of the special people who deserve to have it. Of course, now that I have it, I'm giving it back to ya, Leah. Though I am suppose to hand it off to some other people I feel are superior scribblers. With this award, there are rules attached. Sometimes they feel more like memes than actually blogging awards but anyways. Let's get pass the formalities. Rules: Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post , which explains The Award. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Pre...