Conjuring a Demon in a Church

It seems a little battle has been brewing in Cambridge, United Kingdom between a Catholic Church and a self appointed “King of all Witches”. Magus Lynius Shadee owns occult shops in France and Normandy. His next branch is to be located in Cambridge, supposedly opening on December 24th. Church leaders fear he may prey on the vulnerable or the distressed. While they aren’t believes, a concern rose in the possibility of Shadee using manipulation of people’s fears which may result in mental problems.

Shadee has yet to reveal the location of his shop other than it will be in the city centre. The shop and "surgery" will be open to the public and will offer exorcisms, physical research, paranormal phenomena, direct voice communication, manifestation of "ghosts" and witchcraft. He has offered to prove his abilities to anyone interested. However, it seems he has already begun the demonstrations without any inquiries.

On a visit to the city, he claims to have performed an incantation to conjure a demon. The purpose was to prey on worshipers with the possibility of the element possessing and driving them to suicide. I don’t know whether he is trying to convert Father David Paul of St Laurence's Roman Catholic Church, a driving force of the skeptics, or looking for a little publicity for his soon-to-be new occult shop.

Either way I think it’s in poor taste to conjure a demon in a church. According to police, his only potential crime is under the Public Order Act which could have been committed if anyone was in the church at the time of the ritual and was alarmed or distressed by it.

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