Reader Submission - Garage Man of Marysville Part I

This investigation story was sent in by Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International Paul Dale Roberts General Manager/Ghostwriter/Fortean Investigator. Since it is of great length, I was forced to break it up in to four parts. Return every Saturday for another installment.

"Supernatural Reality: A Look at Garage Man of Marysville.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager/Ghostwriter/Fortean Investigator

Date: July 10, 2009 Friday. Time: 1900 Hours. I didn’t realize so many things were going to happen on this Marysville case, but it did.

But before I get into this story, watch "2012 The Real Truth" by Shannon McCabe & Paul Dale Roberts. A behind the scenes documentary of the Penn & Teller "Bull****" Show. "The Apocalypse" is airing on Penn & Teller's "Bull****"- Showtime Television July 16th, 2009, now see the videos at this link:

Let’s get a roll call. Present on this case are HPI Paranormal Investigators: Paul Dale Roberts - HPI General Manager; David Mace - Researcher; Renee Martine - Intuitive; Tammy Straling - Case Manager; Kathy - Professional Photographer/Intuitive; Tom; Angel Wolpert - In Training; Devon Lemmenes - In Training/Occupant; Julia Cottel - In Training; Donna Jackson - Lead Investigator; Yana - Lead Investigator; June Baker - In Training/Observer; Robert Kyer - In Training/Observer; Lisa Noggle - In Training/Observer.

Also present: Channel 13 Kris Pickel and her camera man.

To see some of the pictures of this investigation, click on:

To see the HPI Marysville Paranormal Strike Force (group photo), see this link:¤t=IMG_0858.jpg

You are probably saying to yourself, come on Paul, can you get to the story already? How many links are you going to send me to? Okay, hold your horses, here comes the story. Geesh, impatient people. I’m doing my best here.

Channel 13 met up with us and we got this investigation going. Right off we hit on an EVP in the garage area. After two tries, the question was asked..”is there anyone here?” I believe the EVP says…”You stay”. It sounds like a man’s voice and this EVP was captured right in front of the Channel 13 cameras. One thing started after another. New batteries being drained for no apparent reason. Investigators taking pictures of designer orbs, a couple of the orb photos seem to have faces inside their intricate designs within the circle. Yes, I know orbs can be light refractions, dust, skin flakes or lint, but some of these orbs had pattern movement, if they were dust, they should have dropped to the ground a long time ago, but they kept moving in a horizontal line. So perhaps, just perhaps these orbs may be spiritual containment fields. We have a series of 3 photos, showing a black mass getting ready to engulf my investigators, the 2nd picture they are completely engulfed and 3rd picture everything is back to normal. David Mace sees a silhouette of a person next to him, he looks back again and it’s gone. Devon Lemmenes, the occupant wonders if her deceased brother Daniel is one of the entities of her home and she seeks the answer this evening.

I did some interviews with some of my investigators and got some interesting stories and experiences. Here is the run down:

Lisa Noggle: She tells me that her first and only paranormal experience was at an Arkansas hotel. She was taking a tour of the hotel and came to a room that had gutted floors. She saw a little boy’s reflection in the hotel window and as she looked at the little boy, his head tilted to one side and he smiled.

Kathy: She feels an energy in the garage, she picks up the name Daniel and learns later that is Devon ’s deceased brother. She feels that the man in the house next to Devon ’s home died of emphysema and she learns she is correct. She feels chills and heaviness throughout the house.

Robert Kyer: Robert was in the Army in Iraq and on June 2003 he was in an Iraqi military unoccupied officer barracks. He felt ghostly soldiers moving and brushing up against him. He hears Arabic speaking all around him and there is absolutely no one in the room with him at the time. He learns later that many Iraqi soldiers died in these barracks from a 155 mm artillery shell.

Renee Martine: She felt a male presence in Devon ’s home. She feels a male presence was holding onto a little girl spirit from going into the light. This male presence may have died from opium poisoning in the 1800s. She also felt a Quaker connection with the spirits in the home.

Angel Wolpert: She felt at times disoriented and felt someone was watching her.

June Baker feels a strong presence alongside the house and in the house next door is where the man died of emphysema.

Some History about Devon ’s House and her Neighborhood:

Across the street, criminals were hung by their neck in the 1800s until they were dead. A city official man and his wife died in Devon ’s home. The Garage Man may have been a vagrant that would stay in the garage, to shelter himself from the weather, when the home was abandoned. The home may be about 80 years old.


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