Hayswood Hospital

In Maysville, Kentucky, a four-story brick building stands tall on Market Street. Its charm still shines in remembrance of the lives it help saved and the ones who were lost. A set of steep steps lead up to the structure. Three Greek columns still stand on the front of the building between floors two and three. Marble once placed at the top of the columns are missing along with some windows. A fence guards the past but this building is not the original hospital.

In the 1800s, the Wilson family and friends built a medical facility known as the Wilson Infirmary. This facility was run by May Pearl Wilson until her death in 1908. The hospital was demolished to make room for the new and improve. Hayswood Seminary was constructed in 1915. Eight years later the name officially changed to Hayswood Hospital to reflect a full service facility. Two additions were added on in 1925 and 1971. There eighty-seven beds to accommodate the needs of a small community. However, it didn’t meet the needs of a growing community by the 1980s. There was no room to expand. The hospital’s location was hard to get to in an emergency. The streets were too narrow to handle the traffic.

This resulted in to a new hospital being constructed on the outskirts of town and Hayswood Hospital being closed in 1983. It remained vacant for eleven years until purchased at a public auction by Ester Johnson. Plans were formed to renovate the building, turning it in to retail stores or apartments. Unfortunately, the price seemed too much to bare. It remains in limbo looking for a new purpose.

Hospitals are like cemeteries in the sense hauntings are considered a guarantee. People reported feeling watching, inside and outside the building. Neighbors have claimed seeing glowing lights in the windows, an apparition who enjoys standing by the last third floor window, and shadow people much like Waverly Hills. Disembodied voices and moans of the long dead suffering can also be heard along with the cries of unseen babies. A woman carrying her newborn baby has been seen walking the maternity ward. It is believed this woman may not know she is dead. Reports say she stands, crying, and holding her dead baby. Shadows of doctors and nurses have also been seen throughout the building possibly still trying to help and save the sick.
You need permission to tour the building or you risk being arrested as so many in the past have been.


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