The Devil House

How does a house earn such a name as The Devil House? Perhaps being associated with such people as the KKK is enough to acquire such a name. There once stood a house made from concrete in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. It use to be located three miles down a gravel road and ten miles from any sign of civilization. The KKK allegedly owned the property. Considering what they are known for, there’s no telling what all may or may not have taken place in or outside house. The structure has since been torn down but the reports of unexplained activity still continue.

When the house was still standing, people reported freezing cold spot even in the middle of Summer. Signs of bonfires have been seen one minute and mysteriously disappear the next. A car has been seen fifteen miles from the demolished remains. They say this car drives insanely fast around the curve at night. Then, disappears in to a nearby wife fence out in to a cornfield. Even stranger, no tire tracks of this alleged phantom car have ever been found.


Anonymous said…
Where is such a place? How might I find it?
Anonymous said…
Where Might I find this place? Any directions?
Anonymous said…
Broken Arrow Okla!
If you take 11th from 193rd st & go east you're bound to run into the dirtroad. Beware: This is not a joke... AT ALL!
Anonymous said…
Also google map 20146 11th street, the dirt road veers off right around there. Even though the house has been torn, the foundation is still there. YOu will know the corn field when you see it. it's a barb wired fence around the field. The foundation has a dropping temperature. & watch out for the fast driving car/truck, it comes every time a person comes...
Anonymous said…
ok I've been to the area at least I think it was the area..still not sure if it is the right location..if U know the exact location could someone let me know !!
Anonymous said…
i was there last night, if you go east on 11th street you woll eventually hit a gravel road on the right side there is a orangish colored gate, 5ft after the gate there is a 90 degree turn to the left, you will keep going around the turn and you will hit concrete and will see the turnpike, you will take the first right hand turn after the road goes from gravel to concrete, and then the next right hand turn is a gravel drive maybe 20-30 feet long. you will leave your car there and jump the gate. you will be walking on a gravel road and there will be trees on one side of you and the other a field, keep going and on the right side you will come up to a building overgrown in trees, it looks like they used to have cattle, or livestock there, keep going thets the first of 4 buildings, you will go another 100 feet or so and see a concrete structure about 3ft high on your left im not sure what it is, or was though. 20-40ft further on the right there is a concrete foundation that used to be a cotton gen so ive been told, and another 20 feet is the old barn but all that stands is the rock walls and some steel frame work cause someone set it on fire. and about 4-5ft on the other side is the foundation of the KKK house, "devils house". if your notto freaked out to stay yet when you reach the "devils house" and its on your right and your facing south, to your left there is a HUGE cat bulldozer but knowone has used if in forever, also there are 3-4 stoves that are about 20-30ft tall that are very rusty steel. the stove itself is about 5ft the pipe goes the extra 15-25 feet up. i think there is only one standing the rest are on the ground. also before you make it to the "devils house" and your walking south across the trail from the first building there is a field of what looks like crop circles but there is a row of trees between you and the field. when me and some friends were there last night we actually heard, and saw 2 figures of people talking and walking. we could hear them talk bud couldent make out what the said, atfirst we thought it was the owner of the land so we started to hide but as we did the 2 people were gone like they just flew away.. we kept walking south ad a few min later we heard them again so we turned around they were maybe 20 yards from us and they were dancing with there hands above there heads pointing there hands to the sky and twriling in circles.. seriously going out there alone is retarded, go with a group of atleast 4 people. otherwise you will shi* yourself. i like this type of stuff so it never really freaks me out but this one makes me never wanna go back without a gun or 2. if you get lost of have questions add me on facebook, my name is blake hallam. happy hunting!
jackielm said…
Don't know if my comment went thru, had to make an account. Its June 2012 and some friends n I just left this devil house place. looks like people have been out there taking care of the place. The barn was scary as hell looking, I guess we spooked the horses cause they ran in circles and then ran off. We didn't see em anymore after that. Then something hit my bf and then flew down my shirt. felt like a small bird or huge bug. I was wearing a tighter t-shirt so idk how it got in there but I had to almost strip to make it go away. By then I was freakin... we stayed on the gravel road and didn't go up the foundation of the house but I tell ya, its freaky. Its clear out but we heard thunder and footsteps. Didn't see any fireworks either...
Anonymous said…
I Went there Monday night the 30th, Me and and 4 friends went there at like 2:00 am. Only four of us actually walked up to the house. My friend used to be able to see dead people when she was younger, and when we got half way to the house we stopped cause we smelt like there was a fire going on, and she got the chills and felt a cold hand go up her leg but no one was there. When we got up the the house the wind started to pick up and it got cold, we then decided to go back to the car, my two friends that stayed in the car said they had to drive off because they saw a black figure standing at the gate. Finally we were all in the car and my friend put her head down and said that there were people surrounding the car and they were starring at her with black eyes. She claimed that they were trying to get her because she is mixed, I have no idea if that true but on the way back to the car I felt like there was something walking behind us. This was one of the most scariest things I have ever done and I suggest that you go in a group of 4 or more.
Anonymous said…
Just so people know the directions that you are posting to the location are not in Broken Arrow. These directions are a location in Catoosa.
Unknown said…
Does anyone come here anymore?
Unknown said…
I found this place and I have pictures if you want to see it.Message me on Instagram Native_beauty8
Unknown said…
My friend & I drove to 193rd & E 11th, you have pass the turnpike, the road is no longer gravel, to the right at the sharp left turn is the gate covered by honeysuckle & a barbed fence behind it, we didn’t get to walk up, we wanted to research more to see if we was in the correct location, it was 6/14/2020 we was there, there is no longer a gravel drive way near the gate it’s all grass, we also didn’t see a corn field.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone help me find this place? It’s 2022
samrock said…
Would anyone like to help us get out to it?
We really wanna see it if so I have a group of 4 ready to go.
samrock said…
We want to go. We have a group of 4 and would love to go with someone who has been this is 2022

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