Saxony Motor Inn

In Edmonton, Saxony opened its doors in 1966 displaying its fashionable Spanish style to welcomed guests. But like so many businesses, its grandeur began to crumble and the ownership transfer began. In the 1980s, the inn converted in to a strip club. Then, later, stripping was traded in for bingo. On December 21, 1990, a 46-year-old masseuse named Lorraine Wray was found in the bathroom of her massage studio (situated in a strip mall next to the inn) strangled to death. Now, the Saxony has returned to its inn roots operating as a Howard Johnson Hotel. Staff members have had problems with guests of the ghostly nature.

One in particular has presented himself as the resident trickster. Lights have been known to flicker, footsteps heard in the empty stairwell, and knocks on doors have all been attributed to a spirit named Bob. TVs, microwaves and toasters also sporadically become unplugged. Does Bob have company? The scent of rose perfume has been smelled in the former Saxony.

Spend the night at the Howard Johnson and you may get more than what you paid for.


Anonymous said…
The male,committed Suicide by overdosing on pills in his room,distraught over a ended
relationship with a female staff member.Lorraine was murdered by a friend or a client.
She,is lost searching for help,lost in the spiritworld,seeking justice.

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