
Showing posts from 2011

Ghostly Thirteen - 2011 in Review

Ghostly Thirteen was inspired by the Thursday Thirteen meme. You list thirteen paranormal-related things, for example your top 13 posts (if you have a paranormal blog), mythical creatures, gods, haunted houses, etc... All is welcomed to participate by either leaving a comment or posting on your own blog. Theme is up to you as long as its paranormal related. My Theme ā€“ Most Viewed Posts of 2011 1. Pennhurst State School and Hospital 2. Duckett Grove Castle 3. "Haunted" Swing 4. Haunted Collector Review 5. History of the Ouija Board 6. Hill View Manor 7. Three-Legged Lady Road 8. Reed Homestead 9. USS Olympia 10. Carey Mansion 11. The Legend of Lucy Keyes 12. Kolmanskop 13. The Ada Witch 2011 has been a good year. Can't wait to see what 2012 has to offer!

GS Question of the Week

Do you think aliens have ever been on the moon?


On Christmas Day, most celebrate with presents, stockings and Christmas trees and traditionally believe the naughty kids receive lumps of coal for all the trouble they caused throughout the year. However, there are those who believe Santa Claus turns to a much darker character to dish out the punishment. Krampus is known throughout the world but mostly in Alpine regions like Austria and Hungary as a beast-like creature who enjoys punishing naughty children. Descriptions of Krampus vary but he is mostly known to be devil-like. He is covered in brown or black hair with cloven hooves, long horns and a pointed tongue. He has also been described as a sinister gentleman in black or a man beast. He is known to swat at bad children with switches and chains and carry them away in baskets and bags. His origins dates back to pre-Christian Germanic traditions, sharing characteristics with the satyrs of Greek mythology. Despite efforts to rid the world of this creature, Krampus figures continue...

Clinton Road

photo via What elements does a road need to be labeled genuinely creepy? Isolated area? Thick forest on both sides? A dark history? Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey certainly would qualify. This ten mile stretch of curves and dips makes you feel like youā€™re millions of miles from civilization. Clinton Road along with the reservoir and brook received its name from the settlement Clinton, once located where it crosses the brook. The KKK and Satanists have all been known to worship in places near it. The woods next to Clinton Road was also the site of serial killer dumping ground. Richard ā€œThe Icemanā€ Kuklinski was a mob hitman who claimed to have murdered over hundreds of people but the one found near Clinton Road led to his 1986 arrest. The legends attached to the road attracts and terrifies all those who attempt to drive on it. In 1905, a writer warned travelers to avoid the road due to reports of banditry and witchcraft. This was one of the earlier reports bu...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Sanctuary Season Finale

  Magnus meets with the captain, whom for the most part has left Magnus and team alone from activities throughout the Sanctuary. Though as sheā€™s escorted through the hangar, she suggests to the captain that things might have to change. As the group walks around the corner, theyā€™re carefully approached by a group of abnormals and the officers quickly draw their weapons. Magnus and a representative confirm that theyā€™re friends of the Sanctuary and that they only wish to speak to the Captain face to face. The officers are ordered to stand down and the Captain is asked for their support for the success of the mission. Tune in to Part 1 of the Season Finale this Friday, December 23 at 10/9c as the team races to prevent the unleashing of a doomsday weapon.

GS Question of the Week

True or False: There are actual reported sightings of the real Santa Clause.


The Chernobyl Power Plant located outside the town of Pripyat, Ukraine (11 miles from the city of Chernobyl) began construction in the 1970s with the first reactor. Over the next few years three more reactors were added and two more were in the middle of construction at the time of the disaster. On April 26, 1986 at 1:23 a.m., the no. 4 reactor was shut down for maintenance. An experiment was being performed to test a safety emergency core cooling feature during the shut down procedure. It's uncertain as to what exact processes led to the explosions but a disruption in regulation seem to be a part of it. The first explosion was that of steam. Steam from the wrecked channels entered the reactor inner space that caused the destruction of the reactor casing, tearing off and lifting by the force of 2,000 tons the upper plate. This ruptured further fuel channels, the reactor core suffered total water loss and a high positive void coefficient could entirely appear.The second explosions...

GS Question of the Week

What is a Pontianak?

Hanoverville Roadhouse

The main colonial-style structure was built around 1825. The rich soil and abundance of rain in this area of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania made it the perfect spot for a farmhouse. However, perhaps the location made it perfect for a lot of things. In 1837, the building was converted in to a hotel, general store, and post office complete with a stagecoach stop. The business remained very much the same through the Civil War in to the turn of the century. When the 1930s rolled in, it transformed in to a restaurant, bar and hunting lodge. During the 1960s and 1970s, the building went through some construction. First floor walls were removed. A stage and two bars were built. Canned Heat from Woodstock fame and Tiny Tim both performed at the Roadhouse. The Hanoverville Roadhouse may be known as a family dining establishment, but is it haunted? Its current owner Charles Oehlbeck believed it to be a possibility, leading to TAPS investigating the building. Most of the activity centers on a little...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Fact or Faked/Haven/Being Human Teasers

  In Fact or Faked, incredible videos continue to surface and the team is hard at work planning bigger experiments. Tune-in to the new season premiering next year to watch as the team is tasked to find out which new set of videos areā€¦ fact or faked!   In Haven, we see that Audrey has finally figured out that sheā€™s not who (or what) she thought she was. Check on the all-new teaser and tune-in to the new Season of Haven premiering next year to find out exactly what happened to Audrey. -- Loved the Christmas episode!    Josh is still dealing with keeping inside that one thing that sets the three roommates apart. Sally has let something into her world that sheā€™s wishing she hadnā€™t and is after her. Aidan is still balancing being different like the other two, but heā€™s decided to give dating another try, and youā€™ll see whether or not he can keep his fangs to himself this time. Season 2 returns Monday, January 16th at 9/8c on Syfy!

GS Question of the Week

What is an Angel board?

Insight Review

Zondervan (April 12, 2011) Paperback, 224 pages ISBN: 0310723140 Young Adults ā€“ Ages 15 and up Ordering Information , Barnes & Noble , Christian Books Some secrets won't let you go. Elvira Witsil lives about as far away from civilization as you can get, in a remote corner of Wisconsin where nothing much ever happens. In a house crowded with her mother, her cantankerous grandmother, and her little sister, Jessie, Elvira feels forgotten and alone. Their house also contains numerous secrets, and Elvira's family holds their secrets closely. Secrets about the father that Jessie never knew, and that Elvira can't forget. Secrets about that day five years ago. And the one secret that Elvira can't quite understand: that Jessie sees things no one else can see. These secrets will lead Elvira and her family on a journey far away from home---on a journey toward redemption and healing---if she can just bring herself to believe. This is a nice coming-of-age story set in...

The Red Onion Saloon

The founder of Skagway, Alaska, Captain William Moore, began cutting planks of wood in 1897 to construct the Red Onion Saloon. It opened for business in 1898. Visitors were served alcohol on the first floor while the second floor quenched another type of thirst. The brothel consisted ten cubicles, ten foot by ten foot, known as cribs. Each came with three exits and a hole in the floor connected to the cash register with copper tubing. In order to keep track of which girls were busy, the bartender kept ten dolls on the back bar, representing each girl. A customer would choose a girl and her doll was laid on its back to show she was ā€œbusyā€. It was returned to an upright position after money (usually $5) was sent down the tube. By 1899, business began to suffer. Most of the ladies moved north to be closer to gold fields and big gaming halls. When the railroad became the center of town, many buildings moved closer to the depot. The Red Onion made its big move from Sixth and State to ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

In the Ghost Hunters sneak peek, Amy and Adam are investigating the dungeon room of the Morse Mill Hotel, where it is claimed that slaves were chained to the walls. While Amy is trying to figure out the best position to be in the room, Adam feels something touch his elbow but he couldnā€™t find anything around him that could account for the touch. After an EVP session, they move to another part of the basement to try and engage the ghosts. While standing around and waiting for a sign, Amy feels something touch her elbow, the same side elbow as Adam. Tune in to Ghost Hunters this Wednesday, November 30th at 9/8c to see if they can find answers to what may have touched both members of the team. In this weekā€™s Fact or Faked sneak peek, Ben, Jael, and Austin are investigating some footage that was shot from inside a cage showing what appears to be a flying witch disappearing outside of the cave. Austin believes that it could have been someone doing parkour(a method of movement focused o...

GS Question of the Week

How many people committed suicide at Masada in Israel?

Jim Haroldā€™s Campfire: True Ghost Stories Review

New Page Books, September 15, 2011 Paperback, 256 pages ISBN: 978-1601631947 Ordering Information: , Barnes & Noble A familiar scenario for ghost stories is a group of people surrounding a campfire. The sun bows down to the moon to create the atmosphere for all that is scary. Jim Harold took stories of ghosts, monsters, and death and turned them in to a nice collection for an outdoor night of spooky fun. Jim Harold is behind three of the top paranormal podcasts entitled The Paranormal Podcast, Jim Haroldā€™s Campfire and The Paranormal Report. Many listeners graced his shows with their personal accounts. Jim Haroldā€™s Campfire was turned in to Jim Haroldā€™s Campfire: True Ghost Stories . Writers have a way of embellishing the paranormal to truly paint a portrait of fear. Sometimes when nothing stands between real people and the ghosts they encountered a reader can feel what they felt. See what they saw. Harold stripped away everything and gave us the paranormal reality. Jim ...

Foster House Restaurant

In 1887, Henry Foster built a cozy home for his wife, Mamie, and seven children in Cumming, Georgia. He was the owner of a general store located on the downtown square. He even served his city as a sheriff for several years. Henry Foster remained in his home until his death in 1901. I am unsure as to what became of the house after his death. However, Amanda and Jeff Davis took on the task of restoring the former residence in 2003, converting it in to a restaurant. While many stop by for a good meal and the ambiance, some have had the opportunity to witness the unusual. A couple who stopped by to help the Davises paint saw a male in overalls and a female in a dress dart in to a nearby wall, appearing on the other side. Others have smelled pipe smoke and heard the sweet lullaby of a music box along with various other noises. Jeff Davis even walked in to a room to find a broom standing on its own, absent of any support. Perhaps the Fosters loved their home so dearly they decided to ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Steve and Tango return to the second floor of a Bourbon distillery warehouse after Adam and Amy had noticed suspicious activity. As the team continues to investigate, they hear loud and deliberate footsteps after asking spirits to make themselves known. As they continue forward, they feel a lot of movement and Steven quickly states he saw something black amongst the shadows. Then suddenly both are attacked and are brought down to the ground. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if a Kentucky boss is managing his bourbon empire from the other side. In Fact or Faked, we see Ben and Lanisha head into an Old West style building where while on the second floor, Ben thinks he hears floorboards creaking from the floor below. Moments after, Devin asks the team to check out Sadieā€™s room to see if the light they placed inside the room had been moved as it is now gone missing. Ben and Lanisha approached the completely torn apa...

GS Question of the Week

In what country is Salzburg Castle located?

Lydia's Bridge

Phantom hitchhiker stories are not uncommon. Most entail someone driving on a road or highway when they come upon a person walking along side, flagging them down for a ride. A kind person might stop to lend a helping hand only to discover the hitchhiker has disappeared. The story of Lydia is no different. The legend begins in late December 1923 (the 23rd or 31st depending on who you talk to). Lydia was leaving a dance in Raleigh, North Carolina, some say with her date, on her way home. It was raining and she lost control of the car and hit the Southern Railroad Underpass Bridge. In one version, her date died instantly while Lydia attempted to get help and succumbed to her injuries on the side of the road. The other has her dying instantly in the car accident. Is there any truth to the story? It seems there might be. Back in the 1920s, car accidents werenā€™t an everyday occurrence as they are today. So, you would think finding records of a girl dying in such a manner would be easy to...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked/Being Human

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Amy and Adam enter a nursesā€™ wing where thereā€™s been reports of doors slamming and they start to hear knocking. They tip-toe down the hallway and hear it right behind them. Amy quickly says, ā€œDo that again if youā€™re doing it on purpose.ā€ Seconds later the knocking sounds again! Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if the knocking turns into an encounter of the lurking spirit. In Fact or Faked, the team enters an abandoned building and starts to let a potential ghost named Timmy know that theyā€™re there while and takes pictures. They tell the spirit to move a ball to let them know that the spirit is there and suddenly the ball starts to eerily move slowly across the floor in multiple directions. They leave the ball there in hopes to find more action. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see if theyā€™re able to find the same amount of activity in other parts of the building! Josh is still dealing with ke...

Teller House

Teller House was built in 1871-72 for brothers Henry and Willard Teller and was known as one of the finest hotels west of the Mississippi River. At the time, Central City, Colorado was one of the worldā€™s largest suppliers of gold due to the local gold mines. The hotel has seen its share of famous visitors including a U.S. president. In 1873, President Ulysses S. Grant made a trip to Central City to visit with his friend Henry and see his new hotel. To impress the president, mine owners decided to lay solid silver bricks to make a path directly to the entrance of the Teller House. The purpose of this gesture was so President Grant wouldnā€™t have to dirty his boots upon stepping from his carriage. At the time of his visit, Congress was debating on whether gold or silver should back the dollar. Story goes, upon seeing the silver bars, the president became angry and decided to use the boardwalk instead in order not to show favoritism. The Teller House is most known for an oil painting. ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, the title of the episode alone should give you chills, but the team has plenty up ahead in this thrilling episode. They investigate a prison that doesnā€™t have claims of being haunted, but they thought it would be a great location to do an EVP reading. As they sit side by side in electric chairs, they try to recount what the victims must have been thinking as they took their last breath. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if they can put themselves of the right mind where they only have a few minutes left to live, just like the 39 that encountered those chairs. In Fact or Faked, the team is looking to create a bug swarm with massive flood lights shining bright. They have tons of different kinds of bugs to replicate footage they received. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see if they can get the insects to cooperate and make their own footage as similar as possible!

GS Question of the Week

What is the most haunted city in the world?

Boyington Oak

Charles Boyington was a printer who moved from Connecticut to Mobile, Alabama in 1833. He obtained residence in a local boarding house and soon became friends with a man named Nathaniel Frost. Frost was also a printer who suffered from tuberculosis and bouts of melancholy. The two men would walk to the nearby Church Street cemetery to sit, talk and read poems. Boyington received an invitation to a ball to be held at the Alabama Hotel. He spent most of his savings on clothes to be worn that night. After arriving, he became infatuated with a young woman named Rose. She was well liked by the gentlemen but Boyington managed to obtain a dance with her. They fell in love. He attended mass each morning at the Catholic Church she attended. A staff member who worked for her father named Lydia would pass notes between them during the service. While Rose was very much in love with Boyington, her father did not see him as husband material for his daughter. He believed Boyington did not have th...

Reader Submission - The Ghosts of Palo Duro Canyon

The following story was sent in from Scottish Medieval Romance & Urban Fantasy author Terry Spear: When I was young, I devoured every ghost story I could, but Iā€™d never come across any real ones. They were strictly fantasy. Have you ever encountered a ghost in your wanderings? I have...but the first one wasn't the usual human type spirit though. Here I was, sleeping on a cold night with our Army ROTC cadets on the rocky ground in Palo Duro Canyon. But not sleeping exactly. Everyone else was, but I'm born of the Princess and the Pea blood...which means, anything can bruise me. So the lumpy, rocky ground kept me awake, the cold, the sounds in the night, the breeze stirring over the cliffs, the thought rattlesnakes, or tarantulas, or scorpions would seek heat would find their way into my sleeping bag, kept me awake. I stared at the sky that stretched forever. The Texas sky does, you know. In other places, mountains and trees and buildings might break up the sky, but no...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked/Zombie Apocalypse

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Jason and Grant are investigating with guest star Meredith Vieira (Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?) and they decide they should go down a flight of stairs to get an area where a child was kept. While Jason and Grantā€™s main concern is connecting with any potential ghosts, Meredith is concerned with the fact that with them being in the basement, someone could lock them in from the upper level. While she is concerned with making sure they have a way out, she also expresses a desire to see the matron that evidently chained her child in the basement. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if Jason and Grantā€™s mission alongside Meredith provides an encounter. In Fact or Faked, the team is putting together another project right outside of Area 51 and are discussing sling-loads, where military aircraft use a sling below the craft to transport various resources. Theyā€™re trying to see if they can create a sling-load to look similar...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked/Urban Legends

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, the team is looking for the actress that killed herself back stage. They continue to explore the Niagra Falls Theater and hear voices all over. They decide it was a male voice and it almost sounded like a conversation. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c to see if they can have their own conversation with the spirits. In Fact or Faked, the team has designed a UFO made of aluminum discs. The disc is supposed to follow down a zipline and then release toward an explosion. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see just how elaborate of a set up this took to pull off and it all ends with some fireworks! In Urban Legends, a lottery official is pretty lucky and gets to give away millions of dollars each day. There is however one draw where they picked a winner that she will never forget. They had over 100 winners and it looked like fraud, and the winners could potentially get away with it. There are 30 times more winners than usua...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters Live

Ghost Hunters Live ā€“ This Halloween Ghost Hunters Live ā€“ Tunnel Whispers - Pennhurst Ghost Hunters Live ā€“ Chasing Noises ā€“ Pennhurst

The Sun Inn

Construction began on this 18th century Moravian architecture in 1758. The first guests were welcomed two years later. It was built by the Moravian community for non-Moravian merchants who had business with the community. The Sun Inn was known throughout the American colonies for its gracious service, fine food and wines, and its comfortable rooms. This Bethlehem, Pennsylvania inn had many notable guests. During the American Revolutionary War, General George and Martha Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Hancock among others were guests. In 1777, leading fourteen members of the Continental Congress met at the Sun Inn, signed the order of Protection and stayed the night. Many people fleeing Philadelphia after General Washingtonā€™s defeat at the Battle of Brandywine stayed at the inn. During the Fries's Rebellion in 1799, seventeen of Fries's followers were held at the inn and then freed by Fries. Sun Inn began as a 66ft by 40ft two-story stone struc...

The Lynch House

This story begins with a woman and her husband. During the Civil War, he left his wife, Liza Thompson, to fight in the war. On his way out of town, he left the deed to their house and other important documents with a banker friend. He never came home again. After suffering such a tragedy, Liza was faced with another problem. The banker who retained the documents for her house also left to fight the war. And, like her husband, was killed. In this tale, two wives grieved for their husbands but it was a house that brought on their own war. After the bankerā€™s death, his wife came across the deed and other documents to the Thompson home. She decided she wanted it for herself. This began a 13 year court battle between the two widows. In the end, Liza kept her home. The family that lives in the house now, known as the Lynch House, says it is haunted. Witnesses have seen Liza Thompson dressed in white, standing at the foot of beds and walking the halls of the second floor. She is describ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Paranormal Witness

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Jason and Grant are kicking back to try and put themselves in position where thereā€™s been reports of hearing heavy breathing, cold sensations, and having an arm grabbed. Theyā€™re trying to affirm the spirit or ghost that everyone still misses him, and that they still remember him. Suddenly they start to feel the cold drafts, and itā€™s clearly not coming from the vent. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c to see if they are able to speak or feel the ghost of Al. In Paranormal Witness, the season finale takes us out with a bang, or I guess we should say spook. A man walks into the restroom to wash up for supper as a weird feeling starts to arise within him. He turns to dry his hands on a towel and all at once air starts to leave the room and itā€™s like heā€™s been sucked into a vacuum. Next, he starts to feel as if heā€™s being attacked, but canā€™t see the pursuer. He looks towards the window and sees an old man that creates chills up and dow...

Blood Cemetery

Pine Hill Cemetery in Hollis, New Hampshire has locals to thank for its nickname. ā€œBlood Cemeteryā€ doesnā€™t derive from bleeding trees or tombstones. It comes from one resident family buried there. Many believe its haunted by a man named Abel Blood. He was buried there in 1867. Several members of his family including his wife Betsy are there as well. But why does Abel Blood supposedly haunt the cemetery? One rumor states he was connected to the occult. However, those who have researched his story has turned up nothing tying him to the occult. In fact, it relieved he led a very law-abiding, Christian life. Another rumor has his entire family being murdered. Again, research ruled that explanation out. No two members of the Blood family were murdered much less an entire group. They all died different times, places, of natural causes and otherwise. Many of those who have investigated the cemetery donā€™t even believe Abel Blood is the one who is haunting the area. So, why does his name kee...

The Shanley Hotel

Located in Napanoch, New York, Thomas Ritch first built the Shanley Hotel in 1845. Six years later, it became the Hungerfordā€™s Hotel. Then, it burned down on March 18, 1895 after a nearby house caught on fire and spread to the hotel, burning it to the foundation. The construction of the new hotel began by September on the same foundation and it reopened in November. Over the years, the hotel switched hands more than 20 times. The one who really put the establishment on the map was James Louis Shanley. He was born on Halloween in 1874 in Ireland and later, moved his family to New York City. Shanley moved upstate for health reasons and purchased the hotel on October 1, 1906. Shanley was well loved by the community. Upon returning from his honeymoon with his new bride Beatrice Rowley in 1910, the couple was greeted with a grand parade welcoming them back. The Shanleys welcomed everyone and used games, entertainment, parties and special events to attract new guests. In 1908, he added on...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Paranormal Witness

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Jason along with daughter Haily, visit a house to investigate child ghosts who occasionally bounce balls and are heard walking back and forth on the third floor. Jason allows Haily to take the lead on her first investigation, as he believes that child ghosts are more apt to make contact with younger females. The group just might have thought correctly after Haily hears whispering voices. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c to see if they are able to connect with the young residents. In Paranormal Witness, we have two sneak peeks for each story within the upcoming episode. In the first, a family talks about odd events that often happen in the upstairs bedroom and hallway at night. The parents experience odd tugging of bed sheets, hear whispers during the night and their closet door is constantly being opened and terrifies their baby boy even after its been tied shut. Finally, in the second Paranormal Witness sneak peek, the Trumball Count...

Teaser Tuesday - Fact or Faked/Being Human

Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files will be premiering it's new season in a couple of weeks, October 19th. In the meantime, here is a little teaser of what viewers can look forward to. The UK version of Being Human, minus Aidan Turner, is set to premiere it's fourth series sometime next year. I'm assuming January or February since that's when the others started. Personally, I don't think it'll be the same without Mitchell but we'll see what some new and old characters will bring to the show. The US version of Being Human will premiere it's second season in January 2012. Today, I have a couple of teasers to maybe hold you over until then. Giving Into Your Inner Monster Kept the Wolf in the Box

GS Question of the Week

Do you think the paranormal is the new normal?

Carnegie Library of Homestead

The Carnegie Library of Homestead, Pennsylvania is a public library founded by Industrialist Andrew Carnegie in 1896, third one built in the USA and the second given to Steel Valley. This library would serve the workers and families of the nearby Homestead Steel Works as a way to make amends after a deadly battle broke out during the Homestead Strike of 1892 which pitted union workers against private security agents from the Pinkerton company. The building was designed by Pittsburgh architects Frank Alden and Alfred Harlow and constructed by William Miller and Sons with a price tag of $300,000. It not only contained a library holding over 34,000 volumes but also contains a 1,000-seat music hall and an athletic wing with a heated indoor swimming pool. In early years, the library held class for immigrants preparing for naturalization, and later for women entering the work force. In the 1900s, the libraryā€™s football team was composed of many former star Ivy League players and was con...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: GH/Paranormal Witness/Haven

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, the team heads up creaky stairs to a musicians loft within a house that already looks haunted. Evidently there have been reports that a face has been seen floating from the loft. Theyā€™re trying to disprove that the floating head could simply be a reflection so they turn on a light. All of a sudden the light turns off on its own. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c to see if they find out how the light turned off, and if the floating head reappears. In Paranormal Witness, we have two sneak peeks for each story within the upcoming episode. In the first, a girl and her mother are cookind dinner and are simply catching up on their day. All of a sudden they hear loud, heavy footsteps above them. Although theyā€™re startled, they decide to go see whatā€™s making the noises. The mother goes out ahead with her daughter gripping tight to her shirt. Youā€™ll have to watch the clip and tune in at 10/9c on Syfy to see if the mom and daughter had ...

Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum Review/Interview

Otherworld Publications LLC, May 10, 2011 Paperback, 294 pages ISBN: 1936593106 Ordering Information: , Smashwords Zach Kalusky, host of Sci-D TV's Xavier Paranormal Investigators, is ecstatic when he's given the opportunity to explore the most haunted site in Chicago for a Halloween Special: Rosewood Asylum, a place long made off-limits by the local government, plagued by decades of mysterious fires and unexplained events. It's Zach's dream investigation- but there's a catch: the network forces Xavier Paranormal Investigators to partner with the more dramatic-but less ethical-Demon Hunters. Now, Zach must fight for both his show's integrity and his team's loyalty while trying to protect his own secret: that he, himself, is possessed. Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum is basically a behind-the-scenes look in to paranormal TV with a few twists and turns. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Ghost Hunters teamed up with Ghost Adventure...