Ghostly Thirteen - 2011 in Review
Ghostly Thirteen was inspired by the Thursday Thirteen meme. You list thirteen paranormal-related things, for example your top 13 posts (if you have a paranormal blog), mythical creatures, gods, haunted houses, etc... All is welcomed to participate by either leaving a comment or posting on your own blog. Theme is up to you as long as its paranormal related. My Theme ā Most Viewed Posts of 2011 1. Pennhurst State School and Hospital 2. Duckett Grove Castle 3. "Haunted" Swing 4. Haunted Collector Review 5. History of the Ouija Board 6. Hill View Manor 7. Three-Legged Lady Road 8. Reed Homestead 9. USS Olympia 10. Carey Mansion 11. The Legend of Lucy Keyes 12. Kolmanskop 13. The Ada Witch 2011 has been a good year. Can't wait to see what 2012 has to offer!