A Few Announcements

I have a few things I'd like to inform you. First, if you didn't already know, the next installment of Ghostly Thirteen will be tomorrow. If you haven't participated in the past and would like to, allow me to give you a little background information.

Ghostly Thirteen is based on the Thursday Thirteen meme. It's a monthly meme where you post a paranormal related list. For example, if your blog is similar to my own, you can list your top 13 posts or your 13 favorite haunted places. Something along those lines. I always end with the auto-links widget. I ask that you please don't list your link unless you're participating.

I've also decided to delete the Ghost Stories Forum. It's been up for over a month and no one is really using it. So, I'm going to pretty much do away with the whole idea.

One last thing. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of several weblog awards there are hosted annually. I noticed yesterday that one is accepting nominations starting today. If you would to nominate one of your favorite blogs for The 2006 Weblog Awards, all you have to do is go to the website and leave a comment in the associated nomination post with the blog name and URL. I don't think there is a prize attached to the award. However, maintaining a regular blog is hard work and being merely recognized for it can be a reward in itself.

The 2006 Weblog Awards

Check out my renter for the week: All-Night.org.


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