Ghost Hunters Live Results

Ghost Hunters first live show was pretty eventful. It seems people were hitting that panic button more than I realized not that I am surprised. I guess I expected them to have caught more evidence on their equipment, but the EVPs were pretty cool. They had quite a few personal experiences which adds to the pot.

They talked about "orbs" some viewers said they were seeing, but I do remember some seeing, including myself, something white, maybe a ghost or whatever. I don't recall them bringing that up. I guess they didn't catch it on a DVR.

Overall, I do hope they consider doing this again. Next week, they are going to Ireland. That should be interesting.

In a matter of minutes, I will be saying farewell to my current renter, The Paranormal Blog, and looking for a new one. If you would like to rent space here, go to BlogExplosion and bid. The cost is only 30 credits. I apologize in advance if you bid and it expires before I have a chance to accept or deny it. Unfortunately, I have to share the internet with two other people, one of which enjoys building computers from spare parts. At the moment, he is in download hell. So, my internet time is limited for maybe another day or two, depending.


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